HOOD Calls – My Bullseye Pick of the Week - Bullseye Pick of the Week

My Trade Plan Details:

  • HOOD Mar 28 $19 calls near $.60
  • Stop: Close HOOD below $17.50
  • Target 1: $19
  • Target 2: $21

Options up over 166% in just 8 days

My Reasoning:

There are still some very strong sectors to look at like oil, gold, materials, transports, etc.  My biggest problem is that while these are strong uptrends, they are pretty extended right now.

This week, I am going after a stock that has been in a strong uptrend, but I think fundamentals suggest that this still has a lot of room to go.

My Bullseye pick this week I want to buy is (HOOD) calls.

My plan is to get started with a half-sized position on the HOOD calls I want somewhere near the market open, hopefully near my ideal entry price.

I want to save room to add to this position if HOOD drops under $18 in the next couple of days.

If this trade goes against me, I plan to use a closing price of $17.50 on HOOD stock as my stop loss on the options.

If this works out, then I think we’ll see a pretty quick move to $19+ soon and possibly even $21 as target #2.

As always, I will alert you on the app as I make any trades, so make sure you have those setup on your phone!